9 September 2020

[RBS] Roller Champions - Ubisoft Forward September 2020 Recap

Hello Champions!

We’re excited to bring you fresh news and we hope you enjoyed our announcement at Ubisoft Forward!

If you missed it, skate on over and take a look:

We’ve been busy since June 2019! We’ve switched development from live phases to smaller workshops that allow us to respond more quickly to player feedback!

Since the first workshop, we’ve tested four different versions of Roller Champions’ core gameplay. We’ve added moves, tweaked moves, and tested game modes and we can’t wait to share more about the game’s development with you. Head over to see one of the matches that took place during the workshop!

So… where can you find more info about Roller Champions while you wait for the launch?

Starting in October, we’ll give you a behind-the-scenes look at the game’s development with our Blueprint Initiative.

Blueprints will delve into different parts of the game’s design – gameplay, lore, art and more!

They’ll take the form of dev diaries and interviews. But Blueprints are not just for showing behind-the-scenes info, we also want to start a discussion with you through voting and different activities!

We look forward to sharing more with you as we approach the launch planned for early 2021.

To stay updated on Blueprint and all our latest news, follow us on social media and Discord!

In Ubisoft: